July fiber markets in New England and across most of the country are at five year highs.  Mixed Paper is at an all-time record; baled Mixed Paper in truckload volumes is at $110-$120 per ton!  Another grade close to it’s all time high is Sorted Office Paper – now selling for $270-$280 per ton.  It was just two and a half years ago that Mixed Paper was valued at $0 (or less), and Sorted Office was selling for $90/ton. 

Unlike some previous high markets, this doesn’t look like a spike.  Prices have been rising steadily for many months, and there’s no sign of panic or a bubble mentality. 

What has happened?  Two things:  Globalization and Single Stream.

Globalization.  Market demand for fiber in the US is now very closely linked to global demand.  Inventories in the US have been low and growing demand particularly from Asia has depleted much of the US inventory. 

Single Stream.  Single Stream recycling is another major factor in the supply/demand situation.  As single stream has increased, quality Mixed Paper is harder to find.  The low quality fibers that come out of a Single Stream plant are not considered usable in many mills in the US, thanks to glass shards, soiling, other contamination.  As a result, much of the Single Stream Mixed Paper is an export only grade, and this drives up prices in US markets.  The impact is felt locally.  Small paper mills that depend on procuring quality fiber at reasonable prices cannot find or afford these feedstocks.  As the global economy forces mills to sell finished goods at more competitive prices (with the competition coming from international mills), high feedstock prices are squeezing these small US mills out of many sales opportunities.

There is no good way to project where markets will go.  On one hand, with prices this high and still rising it is nice to be in the business of selling paper right now.  On the other hand there is legitimate concern for the survival of local markets in the US if these prices stay unusually high.  If local markets continue to shrink, then our dependence on Asian markets will increase, and our options when markets are low will be limited.  It was just a couple of years ago in 2008-2009 when we struggled to push low-grade fiber into the market, and those times could easily return.

At IRN, where I work and manage, we don’t have an “official” position about Single Stream.  There’s no denying it increases participation in residential recycling.  But we don’t think it’s the right option for most business and institutions.  In a professional situation it’s straightforward to keep recyclables separated.  That gives the organization the maximum financial benefit from recycling, and it supports American markets and manufacturers.  That’s a win-win situation, environmentally and financially, and we don’t see any reason to trade that in.

E-Waste “Recycling” in the News

One place you don’t want your used electronics to wind up is in the media. 

We get asked all the time why we charge money to recycle computers and monitors and TVs, cell phones, Blackberries and other used electronics.  The reason we get asked this question is that there are a lot of “recyclers” out there who will take this stuff away for free, or even pay to take it off your hands.  Why, we are asked, does IRN charge to recycle electronics when other companies will do it for free.

There’s a simple answer:  If someone is “recycling” used electronics for free, they’re exporting containers filled with “e-waste” to China or the Third World.  Here’s a very small selection of recent media documenting how much e-waste is dumped from the U.S. to sweatshops and open burn pits in Africa and Asia, and naming some names who would rather not be named. 

There are hundreds more.  If you want to see things that are really sad and frightening, just Google images or web content for  “e-waste China” or “e-waste Africa”. 

You’ll see what it really means to “recycle” electronics for free.  It means whole cities and regions turned into wastelands of toxic smoke and ash and mountains of debris.  It means enormous costs in damage to human health and the environment.  It’s just that the costs are transferred to some of the poorest and most vulnerable people on Earth.

If that’s what “free” means, shame on all of us.

60 Minutes:  The Wasteland;photovideo

Boston Globe:  Old TVs spark environmental dispute

Business Management:  The global e-waste problem

Business Week:  E-waste:  The dirty secret of recycling electronics

CBC News:  E-waste mounting in developing countries

CNET:  E-waste piles up in Nigeria

CrunchGear:  Guiyu:  E-waste capital of China

Earth911:  Trading company illegally ships e-waste overseas

Earth 911:  Ghana a literal ‘digital dumping ground’

Foreign Policy:  Inside the digital dump

Inhabitat:  Electronics Recycling 101:  The problem with e-waste

Popular Science:  The UN tries to address the international e-waste problem

Sacramento Bee:  California recyclers find market for toxic trash

Scienceblogs:  What we waste:  A view of e-trash

ShanghaiIST:  Bonfire of the e-salvageries

TechNews Daily:  Global e-waste problem more dire than realized

U.S. General Accounting Office:  Electronic waste:  Harmful U.S. exports flow virtually unrestricted… 

Asset tags pulled from a Chinese e-waste dump (Photo: Basel Action Network)

Solar Energy

The thing I like best is when there’s a hurricane and a hurricane expert comes on TV and says “It’s releasing as much power as fifty Hiroshima atom bombs going off every minute.”  Or else this:  “It’s producing 200 times, as much energy as all of the electric generating plants in the world.”

Nothing points out better the absurdities in discussion of America’s energy future. Because last time I looked, a hurricane is solar energy.  Solar energy on the scale of fifty Hiroshima bombs a minute.  Solar energy, on a scale to generate enough electricity for 200 planet Earths.

The last time I looked, a tornado is solar energy.  For a 200 mph tornado, solar energy is equivalent to the output of two big nuclear power plants.

The last time I looked, every drop of drinking water on earth is the product of solar energy.  The sun picks up water from the oceans, it condenses, falls back down, and we drink it.  Every single drop of drinking water and the sun does this for free.

The last time I looked, everything we eat is produced by solar energy.  We eat plants, and we eat animals that eat plants, and plants grow by converting solar energy into forms they and we can use. The sun does this for free, too.

The last time I looked, every human being on earth – along with every other plant and animal – is a product of solar energy.  It’s the sun, and only the sun, that provides the energy to create and sustain humans, plants, and animals in all their incredible complexity.

And by the way, the last time I looked, gasoline and coal and oil are solar energy.  Plants died and fell to the bottom of swamps and got trapped and cooked and came out as coal and oil.  The only thing is, as an economist would put it, they’re solar capital, not solar income.  They’re an inheritance from millions of years ago, and like a stupid kid who gets an inheritance from his grandmother and spends it all instead of investing, we’re burning our solar capital as if it will never run out.

There is plenty of solar energy, more than enough for ourselves and our kids and our grand-kids and theirs and theirs and theirs.  I don’t know why we don’t harvest this energy.  I don’t know why every new house in the U.S. isn’t built with solar panels on the roof.  I don’t know why we’re not covering with solar panels the roofs of millions of houses already built.  I don’t know why the parking lots of big-box malls don’t have a canopy of solar panels ten feet off the ground, or why the big boxes themselves aren’t roofed with solar panels.  I don’t know why the windbreaks between fields in Illinois and Iowa, or California or Vermont, aren’t planted with windmills.  I don’t know why we’re not growing oil crops or algae for biofuel, or producing electricity from biomass.

I don’t know why politicians, policy wonks and pundits argue and obstruct.  Don’t they have kids?  Don’t they have eyes?  Don’t they have brains?

We are, every single one of us, every living thing on earth, the products of solar energy.  We are utterly reliant on solar energy.  There is no other energy that will be here hundreds or thousands of years from now.  There is no other energy that is free and without waste.  There is no other energy that makes life possible.

Fifty Hiroshimas a minute.  We can use that energy.

Recycling & Reuse: Worth the Effort? Worth the Effort.

This is a story for everyone who says that recycling and reuse cost too much and aren’t worth the effort, and for everyone who has to deal with those folks.

Newton is a suburban city, population about 85,000, less than ten miles from downtown Boston.  When the City opened a new high school in August 2010, it reused and donated locally as much furniture as possible from the old school, but was still left with more than 4,000 items of surplus furniture and equipment that needed to go away.  Most of the furniture was packed into the gymnasium and pool area; the rest was scattered throughout the old campus.

The City faced tough challenges.  The school is located in a residential neighborhood, hampering access for large vehicles.  Loading facilities consisted of a single two-foot high dock accessed by one double door.  The surplus was less packed than stacked and jumbled into the gym and pool area, a big 3-D jigsaw puzzle, and there were long carries for the surplus that wasn’t in these locations.  The surplus was a mix of a lot of usable stuff with a large fraction too decrepit to be used again.

And because of delays in construction schedule and bid preparation, the City had less than two weeks to complete the project before school started – for RFP, bids, award, mobilization, and implementation.  After bids and award, the actual project had to be completed in just three days.

There were three options for the surplus:  (1) Throw all the stuff out; (2) Recycle some and throw the rest out; (3) Attempt to reuse as much as

more and more and more and more

possible.  The City went through a competitive bid, and selected IRN’s surplus reuse program over the alternatives.  Reuse offered environmental and social benefits, but the determining factor was cost.  More about that below.

On two days notice, IRN scheduled a 15-man moving crew on each of three days.  Seven trailers were loaded on Day 1, nine trailers on Day 2, and seven trailers on Day 3.  With such short lead time, IRN divided the surplus between eighteen shipping containers that were loaded directly for overseas destinations, plus five storage trailers that were removed to a local yard.  Later these were unloaded and repacked into containers for overseas shipment.  In addition, eleven metal recycling containers were loaded with 37 tons of materials that were too worn or damaged to be reused.

At any given time there were between one and three trailers on the loading dock, with an IRN project manager directing surplus into the correct trailer as movers took it from the building.  In intervals when there were only one or two trailers at the dock, IRN kept the crew moving and staging furniture as close to the dock as possible, so the next trailer could be loaded efficiently when it arrived.  There were also two big dumpsters for pieces too damaged to be reused:  one for items that could be recycled as metal, one for mixed debris.  IRN’s onsite manager made sure that every item went into the right container.

In all, IRN packed more than 4,200 pieces into 23 trailers and shipping containers.  About 2,000 items were shipped to Food for the Poor’s central Caribbean warehouse in Jamaica.  Although FFTP ships from Jamaica throughout the Caribbean, most of the Newton North surplus will ultimately be shipped to Haiti for reconstruction after the January 2010 earthquake, and now from floods after Tropical Storm Tomas.  Four loads or approximately 700 pieces were shipped to the Fundacion Nuevos Horizontes in El Salvador for community building programs, and four loads were provided to the American Nicaraguan Foundation, whose long-term mission is to construct the 400,000-500,000 homes needed to alleviate the effects of natural disasters and long-term poverty. 

What was it they received?  AV equipment – 87 items; 170 lab benches; 285 bookcases; 144 storage cabinets; 48 study carrels; 18 wheeled carts; 1,226 chairs; 695 desk-armchairs; 37 couches; 359 full desks; 147 file cabinets; 20 pieces of gym equipment; 33 pieces of kitchen equipment; 40 locker units; 56 shelf units; 87 stools; 518 work and conference tables; plus about 300 other items.  Another 37 tons of damaged or unusable items were recycled locally for metal and/or wood content. 

And what did it cost?  Besides making an incredible difference in the lives of thousands of kids and grownups, besides saving hundreds of cubic yards of landfill space and gaining all the environmental benefits of reuse, what was the bottom line, the dollars and cents bottom line?

Because this was a competitively bid public project, we can answer that question exactly.  IRN’s cost to reuse 80% of Newton’s surplus and recycle the remainder was 38% LESS than the next lowest competing bid for recycling and/or disposal.

So the next time some schmo tells you that reuse and recycling aren’t worth it, show them a picture of kids in Jamaica or Haiti sitting in a classroom using the stuff they say we should just toss in a landfill.  And show them the price tag.  Show them what you already know: that what’s good for the environment and good for society is much more often than not good for the economy as well.  Hearts, minds, and wallets, almost always in alignment.

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