It is not widely known that IRN has one greatest invention. Like, a physical thing, a product, a real invention. It is the IRN Tech Double, which is a dual recycling container for batteries and handheld electronics.
It is actually Dana’s invention, but I do the writing and he doesn’t know the password to the Blog. And I do sit in the next office. So I’ll just take credit for it.
It is actually, for real, our clients’ invention. BU and Emerson and a couple of other schools came to IRN with an issue: the growing number of cell phones, GPS’s, IPods, GameBoys, and dozens of other handheld devices that were showing up in their trash. Most of these had rechargeable batteries, and rechargeable batteries need to be handled as Universal Waste. They shouldn’t be thrown out.
Most of these schools were already collecting batteries, but they didn’t want handhelds mixed in their battery bins. At the same time they didn’t want to be setting out yet another bin for another recyclable material. They wanted a container that locked, because of the personal information stored on so many handhelds. They wanted something small enough to set out just about anywhere, but big enough to hold a decent volume. They wanted it to accept essentially all batteries and handhelds.

So Dana (whoops, I mean, it was me) got out a hole saw and one of Busch Systems’ excellent small recycling containers, and created the Tech Double. He called Busch and asked if they could turn his hand-carved prototype into a production model, and they did.
The Tech Double is a dual recycling bin, one side for batteries, the other for handheld electronics. The top is slotted to give a clear message what goes where: one slot round for batteries, the other wide (wide enough for tablets) and narrow for handhelds. Inside are two separate containers to receive the different materials. The top locks to prevent tampering or pilfering discarded items, and the bin can be secured so it doesn’t walk away. And IRN provides clear, distinctive labels, which can be customized with logos or other identifiers. Overall dimensions are 16¾” x 12” x 13¼” tall, so the bin can be conveniently set out in almost any location.
The Tech Double is, in fact, a really good invention, that addresses a serious issue, and fills a real need. A couple of dozen schools are using it now, and all are very, very happy with it.

The Tech Double is available exclusively direct from IRN. Call 866-229-1962 and ask for Joel Bradford, or get on to the IRN website, www.ir-network.com, and click on “Shop” at the top (you’ll discover we also have a great line of regular recycling containers, as well).