One school district’s refuse has changed the lives of hundreds of children in poor Mexico communities. This summer The Reuse Network did a series of projects with the Santa Ana Unified School District in Southern California. Thanks to the District’s commitment to reducing waste, The Reuse Network was able to divert more than 7,000 items from California landfills, most to reuse, about 15% to recycling for metal content. A month after the last trailer left Santa Ana we received an email and photos from Charlene Wenger, founder and CEO of the EAST CAPE HEALTH CENTER, which serves disadvantaged, mostly remote communities in southern Baja California, showing Santa Ana desks, chairs, and tables in classrooms and in use. A dedicated physician and humanitarian, Charlene worked with us to overcome the many hurdles to getting a shipment to southern Baja, and then arranged distribution to schools in the communities she serves. A zillion thanks to the Santa Ana Unified School District, to King Companies USA, our frequent partners in loading trailers for reuse, and particularly to Charlene and the many folks like her who are committed to providing opportunities to the too-many impoverished kids and families in Mexico and beyond.