Stemmler Classroom Fixtures Go Back to School in Nicaragua (Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine)

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine E-NewsApril 2012

Thanks to Penn Space Planning and Operations (SPO), cabinetry, countertops, and other materials made available in the Stemmler renovations are back in the classroom again – this time in Nicaragua. SPO joined forces with the Recycling Network (IRN) and Corporate Interiors to donate over 180 furnishings to the Enrique de Osso School.

Among its programs, IRN connects institutions with not-for-profits who can use materials that would otherwise be discarded. Enrique de Osso was identified by the IRN as needing the kinds and amount of items Penn had to offer. Penn donated lab equipment, audio visual equipment, cabinetries, sinks, and countertops that added up to more than 6.5 tons of material. This charitable donation project also supported the University’s Green Initiative by keeping usable materials out of landfills.

Sister Martha Silva, the principal at Enrique de Osso, was delighted with the donation; she considers this “a rich blessing from God and from you.” The Enrique de Osso School in Nicaragua supports more than 1,300 students.

All the donated furnishings were certified by the Recycling Network. The University of Pennsylvania was also recognized by the IRN for its valuable contributions to the IRN’s Surplus Reuse program.

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